Ajuntament de Barcelona ئاپەکان

Routes Horta-Guinardó 1.0.6
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Mobile tourist application of Horta-Guinardó,with points and tours of heritage and cultural attractions fromthis district of Barcelona; also business and other information ofinterest to visitorsKeywords: Park, Palace, Pavilion, Republic, Museum, International,Hits, Tourism, Tourist, Buildings, Monuments
Barcelona Catalonia 1.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
The Government of Catalonia, through Incasòl,and the Barcelona City Council present the first version of a toolthat offers direct access to productive spaces or land available inthe Barcelona Metropolitan Area. This application provides preciseinformation and photos of nearly 7 million m² of floor space thathouse or will soon house knowledge intensive-activities.This application is updated automatically with businessopportunities and projects from the current real estate portfolio,both in the private and public sectors, in the BarcelonaMetropolitan Area. It is a dynamic tool for real estateprofessionals to regularly analyze available spaces, presentspecific products, compare spaces, obtain information, and requestmeetings directly with the private developers and publicinstitutions participating in the project.It has been designed to provide support for companies andprofessionals seeking an optimum location for their activities,related to the following productive sectors: Media, InformationTechnology, Energy, Design, Aerospace, Nanotechnology, Food,Biotechnology, Logistics, Optics and Photonics, Pharmaceuticals andHealth, etc.Maps of plots and properties provided for the three areasprovide new opportunities for investors that are looking to developnew real estate projects: offices, retail space, hotels, logisticsspaces, and even housing.For more details and contact information:www.BarcelonaCatalonia.cat
Ajuntament de Barcelona
グエル公園の主要な文化的見学ポイント、天才アントニ・ガウディの建築様式を巡る、完全見学ガイド。バルセロナ歴史博物館の未発表文書を含む、オーディオガイド、詳細地図、お勧めルート、見学者への役に立つ情報、事前に見学計画を立てることができる項目(セクション)もあります。インターネット接続なしで機能、7カ国語対応。Major cultural tourspoint of Guell Park, over the architectural style of the geniusAntoni Gaudí, full tour guide. Including an unpublished document ofthe Barcelona Museum of History, audio guide, detailed map,recommended route, information useful for the visitors, prior tothe item that can make a tour plan (section) is also available.Function without Internet connection, seven languages​​correspondence.
Barcelona al mòbil 1.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona al mòbil provides access to mobileservices of the Barcelona City Council: applications, web mobile,SMS and RSS.
Trànsit 2.2.3
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Traffic conditions in Barcelona.
Barcino 3D
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona began as a small Roman city, theColonia Iulia Augusta Faventia Paterna Barcino.You can now fly over the city, explore it and wander along itsstreets with this 3D app. Take a look at the Roman remains and thebuildings that have survived to the present day.Discover the history of our predecessors and wonder at thesurprises that late-third century A.D. Barcelona holds for ustoday.
Bústia Ciutadana 2.6.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
App to inform Barcelona City Council aboutincidents in the city
BCN Visual
Ajuntament de Barcelona
This application has old photographs ofbuildings and streets of Barcelona.In each image can:- Consult the data (year, author, description)- Buy it in different dimensions- Place it on the map- Mark it as seen- Mark as favorite- Send it by e-mailThere is also the area of ​​Augmented Reality, which can locatewith the aid of a radar-sites nearby where photo. The focus on thecurrent building and overlay the old photographs, you can see thedifferences by changing the degree of opacity of the overlayimages.
Bcn Mobiment 1.0.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona en moBiment t’apropa a lesoportunitats professionals que t’ofereix el Sector Mobile aBarcelona de manera senzilla i divulgativa. Descobreix el teu graud’afinitat vers la mobilitat i fes un test per esbrinar en quinafamília del Sector Mobile podries treballar.Aquesta aplicació impulsada per Barcelona Activa inclou:-Test interactiu d’Afinitat Mobile.-Test interactiu sobre Perfil Professional al Sector Mobile-Informació sobre 6 Famílies Professionals del Sector Mobile-Informació sobre 14 Perfils Professionals vinculats.-Llistat de Recursos Formatius del Sector Mobile-Dades Sectorials d’InterèsL’aplicació és un material i complement associat al programa delmateix nom “Barcelona en moBiment”, per a l’ impuls ocupacionald’aquest sector a la ciutat que porta a terme Barcelona Activa, ambfinançament del SOC i del Fons Social Europeu.Barcelona Mobimo bringsyou closer to the career opportunities offered by the mobile sectorin Barcelona in a simple and informative. Discover your level ofaffinity towards mobility and take a test to find out how you canwork family Sector Mobile.This application is powered by Barcelona Activa includes:-Test Interactive Affinity Mobile.-Test Interactive Sector Mobile Professional Profile-Information On Sector Mobile 6 Professional Families-Information About 14 Professional Profiles linked.-List Of Training Resources Sector Mobile-Dades Sector FactsThe application is an add-on equipment and software associatedwith the same name "Barcelona Mobimo" for the promotion ofemployment in this sector in the city carried out by BarcelonaActiva, with funding from the European Social Fund and the SOC.
Routes Sarrià - Sant Gervasi 1.0.4
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona has ten different districts. Did youknow them? With this app we introduce you to the emblematicdistrict of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi and its main points, using manydifferent routes.How does this app work to help me visiting Sarrià-Sant Gervasidistrict?• Includes several routes to discover Sarrià-Sant Gervasi• Sarrià-Sant Gervasi has a lot of visitable gardens and beautifulparks, some historical memory points, many industrial buildings,trade routes, emblematical churches, and selected points to offeryou the best information for an amazing trip.• Every route are available with offline maps (offline).• Incorporating augmented reality tools for these routes to let youfeel at home during this travel, without missing any interestpoints.• With this app, you don´t need to finish your route! You can walka route for a while and come back another day to finish.This app is designed for you so it offers a healthy way to discoverthe city by walking or running through many different routes. Weinvite you to make hiking in Barcelona!These tourist routes will help you to discover amazing points ofthe city.Download this app and enjoy Barcelona with your own touristicguide!
A prop d'aquí 1.1.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Aplicación que en función de su ubicación muestra información delos puntos de interés de la ciudad de Barcelona más cercanos. Porejemplo: aparcamientos, restaurantes, paradas de taxi, farmacias,museos, bibliotecas,... Permite localizarlos en un mapa o conrealidad augmentada.
Park Güell - Guide officiel
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Une visite guidée complète pour parcourir lesprincipaux points d’intérêt culturel du Park Güell et découvrir lestyle architectonique du génie Antoni Gaudí. Il contient des textesinédits du Musée d’Histoire de Barcelone, un audioguide, un plandétaillé, les itinéraires recommandés, l’information utile auxvisiteurs et une section permettant de pouvoir programmer la visiteà l’avance. Il fonctionne sans connexion internet et est disponibleen 7 langues.A complete tour ofcultural interest to browse the Park Güell main points and discoverthe architectural style of genius Antoni Gaudí. It containspreviously unpublished History Museum of Barcelona, ​​an audioguide, a detailed plan, recommended routes, useful information forvisitors and a section to be able to program the visit in advance.It works without an internet connection and is available in sevenlanguages.
Mercè 11.3.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Application with all the information and the program of la Mercèfestivities
Rutes Les Corts 1.0.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona has ten different districts. Did youknow them? With this app we introduce you to the emblematicdistrict of Les Corts and its main points, using many differentroutes.How does this app work to help me visiting Les Cortsdistrict?• Includes several routes to discover Les Corts• Les Corts has a lot of visitable gardens and beautiful parks,some historical memory points, many industrial buildings, traderoutes, emblematical churches, and selected points to offer you thebest information for an amazing trip.• Every route are available with offline maps (offline).• Incorporating augmented reality tools for these routes to let youfeel at home during this travel, without missing any interestpoints.• With this app, you don´t need to finish your route! You can walka route for a while and come back another day to finish.This app is designed for you so it offers a healthy way to discoverthe city by walking or running through many different routes. Weinvite you to make hiking in Barcelona!These tourist routes will help you to discover amazing points ofthe city.Download this app and enjoy Barcelona with your own touristicguide!
Mapa Tricentenari BCN 1.2.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Aplicació que permet accedir acontinguts(espais i activitats) de Realitat Augmentada vinculats alMapa dela Barcelona del Tricentenari, situat al Passeig LluísCompanys deBarcelona.A més, permet fer-nos fotos amb els personatges de la Barcelonade1714, guardar-les al nostre dispositiu i compartir-les enxarxessocials.Application toaccesscontent (areas and activities) related to Augmented RealityMaptercentenary of Barcelona, ​​located on Passeig Lluís CompanysinBarcelona.It allows us to make pictures with the characters of theBarcelona1714, save them to your device and share them onsocialnetworks.
BCN Paisatge 1.1.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
BCN Paisatge invites you to discover unique aspects of Barcelona’scityscape. It’s a complete guide for getting to know hidden spotsthat give the city its character. You can find them without aninternet connection. It contains a selection of shops that havemaintained their character and atmosphere over decades. It alsoallows you to see the “before and after” of party walls that havebeen transformed into facades, vertical gardens or visual poemsgiving meaning to the surrounding environment.
Rutes Sant Andreu 1.1.4
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona has ten different districts. Did you know them? With thisapp we introduce you to the emblematic district of Sant Andreu andits main points, using many different routes. How does this appwork to help me visiting Sant Andreu district? • Includes 5 routesto discover Sant Andreu • Sant Andreu has a lot of visitablegardens and beautiful parks, some historical memory points, manyindustrial buildings, trade routes, emblematical churches, andselected points to offer you the best information for an amazingtrip. • Every route are available with offline maps (offline). •Incorporating augmented reality tools for these routes to let youfeel at home during this travel, without missing any interestpoints. • With this app, you don´t need to finish your route! Youcan walk a route for a while and come back another day to finish.This app is designed for you so it offers a healthy way to discoverthe city by walking or running through many different routes. Weinvite you to make hiking in Barcelona! These tourist routes willhelp you to discover amazing points of the city. Download this appand enjoy Barcelona with your own touristic guide!
Les Barcelones 1.0.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
The application "Les 10 Barcelones"includesBarcelona's least-known spots. Through the 10 districtsthat makeup the city you will discover little-known places thatwill impressyou with their history and beauty. The least touristside ofBarcelona in your hands. Live in one city. Discover10.
Zoo 120 years 1.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Application commemorate 120 anniversary oftheBarcelona Zoo.Allows time travel photographs showing the evolution ofdifferentareas of the Zoo during its history.You can also make a treasure hunt based on the location todiscoverthe most important facts of the Zoo and its animals allhaving agood time, using a compass to get there.Once you get to each of the areas we propose a series ofchallengesthat must be solved by setting up well in animals andtheenvironment of the Zoo.
BibliosBCN 1.1.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Amb BibliosBCN pots consultar lesactivitatsque es realitzen a les Biblioteques de Barcelona, saberquinaBiblioteca tens més a prop, com arribar-hi, consultar elmapa,horaris i informació bàsica. Tens accés a les activitatsdestacadesperò també pots configurar la teva selecció personal.Potscompartir la informació per sms, correu electrònic ixarxessocials. I amb l'opció de calendari pots veure totes lesactivitatsque es fan en un dia concret. Imprescindible per conèixertotal'oferta d'activitats de BibliotequesBCN.With BibliosBCN cancheckthe activities undertaken in the Libraries of Barcelona knowwhatlibrary you closer, how to get there, check the map, schedulesandbackground information. Your access to the highlights but youcanalso set your personal selection. You can share information bySMS,email and social networks. And with the calendar option you canseeall the activities are done in a given day. Essential to knowthefull range of activities BibliotequesBCN.
Assessor Energètic Virtual 1.4.3
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Virtual Energy Advisor forBarcelonacitizensThe Virtual Energy Advisor is a GPS that helps you to save energyathome, it guides you on a personalised way to achieve yoursavingtargets and become the most efficient in the BarcelonaCommunity“Carrega’t d’Energia”.If you are living in Barcelona, you believe that yourelectricitybill is too high and you want to start being moreefficient, signup and start saving energy and money:https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/autosuficiencia/es/eficienciaApp developed by Enerbyte (www.enerbyte.com)
BCN Museus 2.0.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Aplicació que presenta els museus deBarcelonaagrupats per categories. De cada museu, hi ha una fitxaamb ladescripció, els horaris, l’adreça, exposicions, enllaç devendad’entrades, enllaços a audioguies i/o app, etc...L’aplicació també té un apartat d’informació i novetatsperinformar d’aspectes de caràcter general dels museus, i un lectordecodis QR per accedir a informació complementària de cadamuseu.Application thatpresentsthe museums in Barcelona grouped by categories. Eachmuseum, thereis a file with the description, opening times,address,exhibitions, ticketing link, links to audio guides and / orapp,etc ...The application also has a section of information and newstoreport general aspects of museums and a QR code reader toaccessadditional information for each museum.
Mercats BCN 1.1.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Aquesta aplicació ofereix informació sobreelsmercats, com ara localització, horaris i serveis delsequipaments,agenda d’activitats i noticies relacionades.També conté un apartat de receptes de cuina amb productes demercat,que incorpora un cercador, i trucs i consells de compraiconservació d’aquests productes, entre altres propostes.El tercer gran bloc és un joc de preguntes relacionades amb els43mercats de la ciutat que s’activa quan el jugador es troba aunadistància mínima de 150 metres de cada mercat, tant deproductealimentari com no alimentari.This applicationprovidesmarket information such as location, hours of facilitiesandservices, calendar of events and related news.It also contains a section of recipes with ingredients,whichincludes a search engine, and tips and tricks for buyingandmaintenance of these products, among other proposals.The third major block is a set of 43 questions related tothemarkets of the city that is activated when the player is ataminimum distance of 150 meters from each market, both foodandnon-food products.
La Nit dels Museus 5.0.4
Ajuntament de Barcelona
En l’aplicació La Nit dels Museus podreutrobar totes les activitats programades per la nit de dissabte 20de maig del 2017. Trobareu totes les dades dels més de 80 museus deBarcelona, l’Hospitalet, Badalona, Cornellà, Esplugues, Sant Adrià,Santa Coloma de Gramenet i Sant Joan Despí, una descripció de lesexposicions activitats amb les que participen a La Nit, així com unmapa amb la seva ubicació i plànols organitzats en funció de lesdiverses rutes proposades.Versió gratuïta disponible en Català i Castellà.In applying Museum Nightwill find all activities scheduled for the evening of Saturday 20May 2017. Find all the details of more than 80 museums inBarcelona, ​​Hospitalet, Badalona, ​​Cornellà, Esplugues, SantAdrià Santa Coloma de Gramenet and Sant Joan Despí, a descriptionof the exposures involved with activities at night, as well as amap with its location and plans organized according to variousproposed routes.Free version available in Spanish and Catalan.
Mobile ID – Mobile Identity 2.7.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Mobile ID is a mobile identity service provided by several CityCouncils in Catalonia and other corporative entities. The Appenables citizens to interact with the public Administration anddigitally sign electronic files with total security and legalvalidity. The App requires the user to register to the service, inorder to allow access to the various sections, and it allows threeuser identity levels, as listed below. - Registered user level: Theuser only enters the basic required data. This level allows accessonly to the unrestricted services. - Accredited user level: Theuser has to enter an identity activation code (or CAID). This codeis provided by the City Council after the user identity has beenverified. The verification process can be performed face to face orvia internet, accessing the website www.mobileid.cat with arecognized digital certificate. This level allows access to all theavailable services. - Certified user level: This level ofaccreditations embeds a recognized digital certificate in the APP,which enables to digitally sign electronic files and performtransactions with full legal validity. Mobile ID allows to securelyaccess websites, mobile Apps, systems and procedures of the CityCouncil that normally require a strong citizen authentication. TheApp manages the user digital identity safely and securely, makingthe traditional technological complexity totally transparent to theuser. For more information, please visit www.mobileid.cat/en
Park Güell - Offizieller Guide
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Eine vollständige Führung entlangderwichtigsten kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten im Park Güell.EntdeckenSie den Architekturstil des genialen Architekten AntoniGaudí.Dieser Guide beinhaltet noch unveröffentlichte TextedesGeschichtsmuseums von Barcelona, einen Audioguide,einendetaillierten Plan, empfohlene Besichtigungsrouten,praktischeInformationen für den Besucher und einen Bereich, in demSie IhrenBesuch im Voraus planen können. Er funktioniertohneInternetanschluss und steht in 7 Sprachen zur Verfügung.A complete guide alongthemain cultural sights in the park Guell. Discover thearchitecturalstyle of the brilliant architect Antoni Gaudí. Thisguide containsunpublished texts of the History Museum ofBarcelona, ​​an audioguide, a detailed plan, recommendeditineraries, practicalinformation for visitors and an area whereyou can plan your visitin advance. It works without Internetconnection and is available in7 languages.
Park Güell - Guía oficial
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Una completa visita guiada para recorrerlosprincipales puntos de interés cultural del Park Güell ydescubrirel estilo arquitectónico del genio Antonio Gaudí.Incorpora textosinéditos del Museo de Historia de Barcelona, unaaudio guía, unmapa detallado, rutas recomendadas, informaciónpráctica para losvisitantes y un apartado donde poder planificar lavisita conantelación. Funciona sin conexión a internet y estádisponible en 7idiomas.A complete guided tourtovisit the main cultural attractions of the Park Güell anddiscoverthe architectural style of genius Antonio Gaudi.Includespreviously unpublished History Museum of Barcelona, ​​oneaudioguide, a detailed map, recommended routes, practicalinformationfor visitors and a section where you can plan your visitinadvance. Works without internet connection and is available in7languages.
Park Güell - Official Guide
Ajuntament de Barcelona
A complete guided visit for going aroundthemain points of cultural interest in Park Güell and discoveringthearchitectural style of the genius Antoni Gaudí. Itincludesentirely new articles by the Barcelona History Museum, anaudioguide, a detailed map, recommended routes, practicalinformationfor visitors and a section in which the visit can beplanned inadvance. It works without Internet connection and isavailable in 7languages.
Park Güell - Guia oficial
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Una completa visita guiada per recórrerelsprincipals punts d'interès culturals de la Zona Monumental delParkGüell i descobrir l'estil arquitectònic del geni AntoniGaudí.Incorpora textos inèdits del Museu d'Història de Barcelona,unaàudio guia, un mapa detallat, rutes recomanades,informaciópràctica per als visitants i un apartat on poderplanificar lavisita amb antelació. Funciona sense connexió ainternet i estàdisponible en 7 idiomes.A complete tour tovisitthe main cultural attractions of the area Monumental ParkGüell anddiscover the genius of Antoni Gaudi's architectural style.Includespreviously unpublished History Museum of Barcelona, ​​anaudioguide, a detailed map, recommended routes, practicalinformationfor visitors and a section where you can plan your visitinadvance. Works without internet connection and is availableinseven languages.
Парк Гуэля
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Полная экскурсия по основным объектамПаркаГуэля для знакомства со своеобразным стилем гениальногоархитектораАнтони Гауди. Включает новые тексты, подготовленныеМузеем историиБарселоны, аудиогид, подробную план-схему,рекомендуемые маршруты,полезную информацию для посетителей и разделдля планированиявизита. Программа работает без доступа в Интернет идоступна на 7языках.Full tour of themainobjects of the Park Guell, to explore the original style ofthebrilliant architect Antoni Gaudi. Includes new texts producedbythe Museum of History of Barcelona, ​​audio guide, a detailedplanof the recommended routes, useful information for visitors andasection for planning the visit. The program works without accesstothe Internet and is available in 7 languages.
Barcelona Corre 1.2.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Citizens and tourists have the opportunitytodownload for free the 23 most singular routes of Barcelona,whichappear in the book "Barcelona Corre. Rutes per viure la ciutatabon ritme", published by Barcelona's city council.23 routes divided in 3 sections; routes in each district,thematicroutes and routes with a challenge. Each routes comes alongwithinformation about itself such as distance, type of terrain,greenareas, fountains and difficulty levels.In the 'races' button there's some information about themostpopular races that take place in Barcelona.Everyone that successfully completes one of the 23 routes willbeawarded with a digital medal that will appear in the'medals'tab.
Rutes Nou Barris - Barcelona 1.0.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona has ten different districts. Did you know them? Withthisapp we introduce you to the emblematic district of Nou Barrisandits main points, using many different routes. How does thisappwork to help me visiting Nou Barris district? • Includes 5routesto discover Nou Barris • Nou Barris has a lot of visitablegardensand beautiful parks, some historical memory points, manyindustrialbuildings, trade routes, emblematical churches, andselected pointsto offer you the best information for an amazingtrip. • Everyroute are available with offline maps (offline). •Incorporatingaugmented reality tools for these routes to let youfeel at homeduring this travel, without missing any interestpoints. • Withthis app, you don´t need to finish your route! Youcan walk a routefor a while and come back another day to finish.This app isdesigned for you so it offers a healthy way to discoverthe city bywalking or running through many different routes. Weinvite you tomake hiking in Barcelona! These tourist routes willhelp you todiscover amazing points of the city. Download this appand enjoyBarcelona with your own touristic guide!
Palau Sant Jordi 1.0.6
Ajuntament de Barcelona
The Palau Sant Jordi application provides the following servicesforvisitors of the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona to enjoytheirexperience: - Search Place: The user can enter its place andtheapplication indicates where is the user and where its place isin amap of the site through a network of beacons installed. -Points ofInterest Search: Allows user to know the location ofvarious pointsof interest as medical services, toilets,merchandising, cloakroom,access, etc. - Check the schedule ofevents at the Anella Olimpica(Palau Sant Jordi, Olympic Stadium andSant Jordi Club) withdescription of each and links to ticket sales.- Specificinformation of restoration services. Finally, theapplication alsoincludes general information Palau Sant Jordi:contact, how toarrive, FAQs and map.
Zoo Barcelona 3.0.5
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Official application of Barcelona Zoo
Llum BCN 3.3.4
Ajuntament de Barcelona
This is the official app for the Llum Bcn 2023 festival in Poblenou
BCN Antimasclista 1.2.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
The BCN Antimasclista (anti gender violence) app is afree,open-source tool for everyone who lives, works, studies orispassing through Barcelona. Its aim is to find out more aboutsexualor sexist aggression and harassment that occurs in publicareas, onpublic transport and at leisure venues in Barcelona, so wecan bemore effective in detecting and preventing incidents ofthese. Ithas a geolocalisation system for providinginformationconfidentially and anonymously of where someone has beenthe victimof sexual or sexist aggression or harassment.
Joc Bicing 1.13.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Enjoy the Bicing game. Pedal and get points
ONaparcar residents 1.5.1
Ajuntament de Barcelona
The App for residents parking area in Barcelona.
Literapolis BCN 1.1.9
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Literary gymkhana based on books that happen in Barcelona
BORN 3D 1.0.3
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Smou 5.5.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Barcelona’s mobility app! All services in one app.
BCN+65 4.7.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
To stay in touch with our elderly. City Hall of Barcelona.
MCMB Museu de Cultures del Món 1.1.2
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Museu de Cultures del Món de Barcelona itineraries
Tibidabo 2.0.4
Ajuntament de Barcelona
The Tibidabo Amusement Park app lets you enjoy experiences
Bcn (Tic) 1.2.5
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Find out what role technology plays in Barcelona City Council.
Fonts BCN 3.1.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
With 'Fonts Bcn' you can access information regarding drinkingfountains in BCN.
Barcelona a la butxaca 2.30.0
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Access to services that the Barcelona City Council offers easily.
Mapa B+S
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Interactive map of initiatives and places with environmental andsocial value